Accepted to Google Summer of Code with NumFOCUS
Hello, everyone!
Glad to announce that I have been accepted to Google Summer of Code 2020. I will be contributing to Data Retriever under NumFOCUS umbrella this summer as a GSoC student! The Data Retriever is a package manager for data. The Data retriever automatically finds, downloads and pre-processes publicly available datasets and it stores these datasets in a ready-to-analyse state. The Data Retriever handles tabular data and spatial data forms. The goal of the project is to add support that will enable the Data Retriever platform to have the capability of ingesting other forms of raw data. The project will introduce the support for raw data formats of XML, JSON, NetCDF, HDF, Excel, SQlite and Geojson data sources.
This week the bonding period started. My mentors in this project are : Henry Senyondo, Apoorva Pandey and Ethan White. I am communicating with them through Gitter as we begin to schedule and plan the best course of action for this project.
Stay tuned for more blogs